Welcome your visiting, our eraser with novel and unique design, and try our best to meet customers requirments.

Address:No.88 Banhu Industrial Zone, Funing County,Jiansu Provice, China



ATTN :Ms. Monica Zhang



             or kittygreenwill@163.com


Erasere Useage Instructions

发布日期 : 2014-08-23     作者 : Greenwill     来源 : www.eraserchina.com
核心提示: Examination Erasers


Basically large examination (examination, college examination etc.) standard with remarked: " choice and correction, please use the plastic Eraser".Generally ,this is because these exams choice made by the computer to correct exam papers, and the judgment is to determine the carbon content on the distinguish between knowledge (which is also specified use 2B pencils). And modified, be sure to make the original selection area (near or even other choice area) of carbon is clean, in comparison, plastic Eraser can effectively deal with this situation (which is why some drawing Eraser is made of TPR  plastic material ).


Office Eraser   Creative Eraser  3D Eraser  Eco-friendly Eraser



Address:No.88 Banhu Industrial Zone, Funing County,Jiansu Province,China.  Telephone:86-0515-87661100,86-0515-87661122  Mobile Phone:13511621100  Fax:86-0515-87597888
Contact Person:Ms. Zhang or Ms Kitty  Email:monica8191@foxmail.com or kittygreenwill@163.com  QQ:2870048978  MSN:kittypan10@hotmail.com
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